Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Close Encounters

Sweet Honey

We have a storage container on the property and there have been a family of bee's making a home under it for quite some time.  So the other night we had someone come out to try to get rid of them.  These guys just used burning grass to smoke them out and just reached under there with no protection. They pulled out a lot of Honey comb and that was their pay.  I looked this morning and the Bee's were still there!

A Close Call

Wes, two Zambians and myself were traveling back from Choma.  We were following a vehicle when it all of a sudden slammed on brakes and swerved.  Right in front of us was a two year old girl. Wes hit the brakes and God guided the car not to hit the girl.  We got out the car and the little girl had fallen down a steep bank on the side of the road and took off running after her siblings.  Two guys from the other car took off through the field after the children.  They caught the little girl, but not her siblings.  She was scratched up from her fall and very shaken up.  She was trying to get to the other side of the road to her siblings who had left her, but was probably too young to know to look for traffic.  We could not find the parents, but left her with someone who knew them.  A Very Scary moment indeed!

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