Friday, October 18, 2013

Views from the TOP

Raising a Pole

One morning this last week, we had the task of putting up a power pole on the property.  No, I don’t work for the power company, but around here you put up your own poles and can even run your own wire if you think you know what you’re doing. Ha Ha!  I was just in charge of making sure this pole got up and was straight.  Yes, there is no power company truck to dig the hole or to lift the pole.  The hole was dug by hand, the pole cut off property by ax, and lifted in air by 13 Zambians and 1 Redneck from South Carolina. It is amazing what can be done even without technology.

Check out the water tower in the background of this picture. That's where Ricky goes to watch sunsets and take pictures that you will see below.

Water Tower

These are a few pictures of the orphanage from up high on the water tower.  I like to climb up here to get a spectacular view of everything. You can see for miles.  Sunsets and Sunrises are beautiful from here.
The garden (on right) surrounded by grass fence

Where we live... The red roof on the far left? that's our house; the silver roof behind ours where the bus is parked? that's the Tidwells; the plot on the right where it looks like a big square with divisions? that's the new Guesthouse being built; the house with tin roof behind the GH? that's the Matthew's house (or otherwise known as volunteer housing); and you can't really see it, but the last house behind the Matthew's house? that's the Wilcoxes.

this is the view of the main road from our houses to the orphanage

on the far left is the Library and computer building; on the right is the School (4 rooms currently)

Satan at Work

It is amazing all the negative things that have been happening around the orphanage the last few weeks, but its more amazing what good things have come out of the negative.  I can’t even tell you a lot of the negative things on here just because it would not be proper to do so.  When I’m back in the States if you want to ask me, I will be glad to tell you.  They are some great stories of how Satan attacks, but how we have held strong and won the battle.  How do I know we have won?  We had 7 adults accept Christ in 24 hours!!!  Fourteen in a new believers class after just horrible things going on in the community.  Keep praying for us as the evil one does not like what we are doing.  We know we are doing right because he is attacking.  Let that be a lesson. If he is attacking, that probably means you're on the right road.  If everything is comfortable, you might want to look at where your life is. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What's going on lately?

Today marks the 3rd week apart for us.  With Ricky in Zambia and Niki in the USA, writing a blog can be a challenge.  So here's an update from Ricky:
Even though we are 8,000+ miles away, we can still play cards with the Haneys! And Ricky even WON!

Bible Study in Kabonga

For the last two weeks I have had the opportunity to lead Bible study in a small village called Kabonga.  This is such a neat group of people because they are so eager to learn.  It is made up mainly of older people, the oldest being ninety three (93) years old.  We have been looking at the story of Joesph in Genesis.  It is so neat to watch their faces as they hang on your every word.  They can’t wait to hear what is going to happen next.  It is like their 'Soap Opera'.  They are so excited to see what the story will be the next week. They have no electricity so this is their entertainment or TV.  They do have a Bible in the village, but their eyes are in bad condition so they have not been reading.  So we tried to help that situation this week.  We took a bag of reading glasses that a team had brought and left.  These guys had the best time trying on the different styles of glasses.  Even the old men were trying on stylish ladies glasses and posing for pictures.  It was so funny watching them have a good time.  They were so appreciative of the gift of sight.


Chicken Day

The Chickens have reached their last day of life. It is one of the ways that Debbie, our agriculturalist, saves us money.  She and Noah raise the chickens and then we don’t have to buy from the store.  These Ladies and Guys really know how to de-feather and clean chickens. 

School Play and Yard Sale

On Saturday, October 5th  the children presented their play they have been practicing on the story of David Livingstone.  They did a great job and even taught me a few things.  The children are learning how to support missionaries, and also learning what a missionaries life is like.  Wes and Laurie choose a missionary for the children to learn about and support.  The missionaries are Mark and Stacey Conard from Kenya.  It is strange because this is our son, Coby’s, guardians in Kenya.  Wes and Laurie didn’t know this when they chose the Conards.  Anyway we had a yard sale to help support the Conards.  The staff and kids had made a lot of items and we had some things to sell from around the orphanage.  We ended up raising $400 to send to the Conards.  God is good!  

Other Exciting things happening too...

There's some new faces around New Day - Dane and Bailey, who are volunteering a few months of their time. You can read all about them here.
Wes trying to feed Gertie (the calf)

On September 27th everyone celebrated Blu's birthday in his absence (even got to pour water on "him")
Debbie teaching Kids Club on Saturday

Dane & Bailey getting to experience Kids Club

Muchoni celebrates his 9th birthday
The parachute that the Walhalla, SC team brought in March is still being enjoyed at Kids Club each week

Construction on our house continues. This is the plaster going up on the walls.

Saturday, October 12th they burned more fields around New Day until after midnight

Weather today in Mapanza - 111 degrees (yes, it's October!)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Red Roof Inn

House construction continues. The roof sheeting was delivered, and electrical begins to go in.
This is the tin roof sheeting that showed up for our house

The "RED" was a surprise, but it's kind of growing on me

I guess this is Ricky's friend near his room for the night

The sheeting going up

Looks like the "Red Roof Inn"

Ricky is staying busy at New Day. Thankfully, we are able to talk each day with technology the way it is.  The vehicles are slowly being repaired and they are coming back to the orphanage, one at a time.  Ricky has been helping to lead Bible studies in the area, assist with supervising the construction projects, and helping with the financial reports as well.  The power is still going on and off each day, and the temperatures have risen to about 106 degrees.  They did get a brief rain shower the other day, which put them in a panic since the Wilcoxes roof was off and being repaired!  Luckily, they were able to get it covered before any rains did damage inside the house.  Our container is still in route to Africa, and we hope it arrives soon and that our house is complete and ready for furniture to go inside!